Thursday, September 20, 2018

Methods of Multiversism, and Ethics of Pure Immanence - Post 1

A Very Short Introduction to Multiversism

“The political Project is the transubstantiation of the [chosen] Virtual. The rift of Becoming is the vacuum of force; the spirozoïdal helix of divination, where multiples coalesce [emerge] into complexity and concurrently give way to the Spirits of tongue.” - v1v0

Return to aphasia, return to becoming. Order for a duration, abstract and essentialise for an event. Porously enclose the event’s axiological time and space in the infinite event horizons of the black eternal return. Pick up the dice from the vortex.
The melody repeats to draw in participants, they are the audience who are the instruments. To emerge the activity, to situate the improvisations. Allow the conscious and unconscious minds to become a cooperative community. Actuo-cracy, pure immanence, flux. Pure transcendence, Autocracy, stop. Intuit actuals, choose your imagination, analyse actuals, realise your imagination. Actualise your chosen virtuals. Proceed. Return to aphasia, return to becoming. Emerge.

Immanence is continuous emergent process of creativity. Transcendence is discrete devolving objectification and repetition. The essence is immanent if it remains within the event-time. If the essence breaches this axiological duration, it exposes itself as a transcendental truth. If this happens, the essence is treated as if it were natural (in space) and eternal (in time). It becomes a negative mediation and imposes a dialectic from its transcendental throne of ghosts. The essence as transcendental dominates and assimilates existence in its ideal. Its mechanism of assimilation is the dialectic of coerced and eternalised abstraction.  

These posts will deal with how to think, and what to do - how to escape the illusory essences of common sense imposed by negative mediations and how you can direct your activity out of the platonic, tornado-ing dialectic(s) of the antiscient ghosts. We must emerge (as verb) the latent and immanent potential for activity of spatial communities in temporal communities in multiversal communities. We contract, life is “irreducible distance and intimate proximity”, we expand, life is flux, open. In parallel posts we will intuit the current regime of essence and being (ghosts) and hopefully create an actual analysis of negative mediation in the genealogy and the machinic organisms of capitalism and colonialism. For now, we will deal with the ethics of pure immanence and the methods of multiversism. This is a politics of sorcery.

The multiverse is, from our position, a half-rhizome. From every universe one may walk through many others using the synapses created between wormholes. The multiverse is a network but some synapses are narrower than others. Some are even piers, detachedly disappointed bridges. They produce more or total resistance against your walk. You wish you could stroll through the entire network, aimlessly interacting with every universe. You wish you could jump from one to the other, as if you were an artist of reality itself. This would be pure immanence, the full interactivity of reality. But we act in a multiverse where the path of least action still coerces us, and some paths have become uncrackable. For now, to go from this community of universes to that community, we must intuit the paths out of this one, and analyse the paths which expand possible paths and in the ethic, walk down those freedom roads. We problematise, invent, solve and choose a universe to become, a set of virtuals to actualise.

To clarify, a walk means a transubstantiation. The metaphor is non-spatial and non-physical. A walk means to actualise a set of combined virtuals. It means to manifest the latent potential in reality. It means to bring the parallel universes into this universe. We do not leave this universe, from our perspective. We merely rebirth it with our every emergence. When we walk we walk in five dimensions. When we go from community to community, we bring to reality a new set of potentials, a new set of virtuals to order in permutation.

These traversals from community to community, might be described as transubstantiation of the virtuals into the actuals. The virtual is the potential. As a universe is actualised, or walked to, new virtuals swirl among us. We have joined a new community. As we walk from our universe to another, new bridges appear, and old bridges become piers. We experience the past as a pier.
We may, however, view the past as the virtuals we choose to combine to choose the future path. The reason we cannot go backwards in time is that these permutations become algorithmically impossible to separate or factorise out of their permutations. It is such that movements into the future are the encryption schemes of the past via the functions of emergence. An analogy here may be the one-time pad encryption schemes which are completely unbreakable. The past is an intractable problem. It is locked because of the complexity of information combining the virtuals to form the actual.

It is from the order of these permutations that the bridges into potential universes are made or burned. And of course this order excludes and includes future potential. An actual is an emergence of many virtuals, but many different permutations may achieve similar actuals, depending on the scale of similarity and difference in which we act.

If we act individually, we move less radically. If we act communally, we move more radically. If we act at the molecular level, we move molecularly. Or better conceptualised, it depends on the energetic potential level we act on, not the abstract objective level. Or better conceptualised, it depends on the informational level we act on, not the energetic potential level. It depends on which layer of event of activities we act on, which speed of duration we act on. Subhuman, or superhuman, or individual human. This is the layer of emergence, the layer of change.

A permutation of virtuals become locked together and this locking mechanism is the walk, while the actualised permutation is the universe we reside in. It was up to us what order this permutation is in now but all of the virtuals are carried through into the actual, as information is conserved.

The future is not encrypted but for the present creative faculty, which is the result of the emergence. A new set of virtuals accompany the newly actualised permutation of the virtuals. It is such that the virtuals, become the actual, which allows us to observe new virtuals - new or the same possibilities for combinations, with some shed away due to our choice of combination in the past. A new community of virtual universes orbits the current permutation where we reside. The speed, or duration of this event depends on the layer we are operating.

When we say layer of information, or the event layer, we really mean the layer at which are intuiting the permutation of virtuals. A cell is a very different set of events to a human. They are actuals of a very different layer of virtual's permutation.

The creative faculty of any layer of virtuals is the emergent problem-positing and solving ability of the actual. And remember, the actual is the permutation of the previous virtuals, the past is that which is locked in the encrypted information of the actual.

Intuition is the ability to divine the virtuals which surround the newly actualised, and to posit a problem for the sake of a walk. Imagination is the ability to choose which permutation of virtuals is the one which will solve the problem. Intelligence is the planning out of the walk, its methods, steps, and orders. Intuition is the leader of imagination, imagination is the leader of intelligence. When this is reversed, problems arise. Things stop evolving, they become beings, or they cease and regress into lower complexity. But we will get into that via later posts.

We must imagine the walk as less a linear truant, and more like the activity of a muscle. A walk is the expansion of a contraction. It is the difference between 6 dice stacked in a particular order, and them thrown down. The action of breathing is the stacking and then throwing again and again. However, this object-oriented model is terrible. Information is not at all like dice. Especially since each number on each die is itself a multiplicity - there are so many examples of sets in the numbers 1-6, the fall of the dice matters, the order, the patterns they make on the table, the sound they produce in discord, the grease on the dice from hands, the speed they spin, the amount of times they roll - the possibility of permutation would approach infinity. Not to mention the conscious states of apprehending these informational permutations. Now you see why reversing this, or travelling in the past would be impossible. Because time is a one-time pad encryption scheme that encloses events at different information levels (durations) of sewed together virtuals.

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